
Triticale varieties 

  • UC-Atrea (PDF description) is a triticale intended for the production of feed grain and silage with exceptionally high yield and good tolerance to lodging and disease resistance. This variety has performed very well in all locations throughout the central valley of California, delivering high yields even when under drought and nutrien stress. UC-Atrea is a medium height triticale, wich stands approximately 5 inch taller and heads out 6 days earlier than the widely used  cultivar 158EP. It produces an exceptional grain yield, averaging 5,5% higher than 158EP across the 26 sites tested.
  • UC-Bopak (PDF description) is a triticale intended for the production of feed grain and silage with exceptionally high yield and good tolerance to lodging and disease resistance. This variety has performed very well in all locations throughout the central valley of California, delivering high yields even when under drought and nutrien stress. UC-Bopak is a medium height triticale, wich stands approximately 7.5 inch taller and heads out 4 days earlier than the widely used  cultivar 158EP. It produces an exceptional grain yield, averaging 8,3% higher than 158EP across the 14 sites tested. Compared with UC-Atrea, UC-Bopak is 3 inches taller, heads 2 days later, has slightly greater yield potential, but slightly more susceptibility to lodging.