Ph.D. in Crop Sciences, Oregon State University 1999

Assistant Project Scientist - Junior Breeder at Dep. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis from 2012 to present
Publications (2008-2017):
Benoit, L., J. Masiri, I.A. del Blanco, M. Meshgi, S. Gendel, and M. Samadpour. 2017. Assessment of Avenins from Different Oat Varieties Using R5-Based Sandwich ELISA. J. Agric. Food Chem. 68 (8):1467-1472.
Simmonds, J., P. Scott, J. Brinton, T.C. Mestre, M. Bush, I.A. del Blanco, J. Dubcovsky, C. Uauy. 2016. A splice acceptor site mutation in TaGW2A1 increases thousand-grain weight in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat through wider and longer grains. Theor. Appl. Genet. 129:1099-1112.
Klos, K.E., T. Gordon, P. Bregitzer, P. Hayes, X. Chen, I.A. del Blanco, S. Fisk, and J.M. Bonman. 2016. Barley stripe rust resistance QTL: Development and validation of SNP markers for resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei. Phytopathology 106:1344-1351.
del Blanco I.A., J. Hegarty, L.W. Gallagher, B.W. Falk, G. Brown-Guedira, E. Pellerin, and J. Dubcovsky. 2014. Mapping of QTL for Tolerance to Cereal Yellow Dwarf Virus in Two-rowed Spring Barley. Crop Sci. 54:1468–1475.
McCord, P.H., I.A. del Blanco, S.B. Milligan, B. Glaz, N.C. Glynn, R.W. Davidson, and M.S. Irey. 2014. Sugarcane Genotype Selection on Muck and Sand Soils in Florida - A Case for Dedicated Environments. Journal American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 34:21-32.
Zhao, D., J.C. Comstock, B. Glaz, S.J. Edme, N.C. Glynn, I.A. del Blanco, R.A. Gilbert, and R.W. Davidson. 2012. Vigor rating and brix for first clonal selection stage of the Canal Point sugarcane cultivar development program. Journal of Crop Improvement 26:60-75.
Glynn, N.C., S.B. Milligan, R.A. Gilbert, R.W. Davidson, J.C. Comstock, B. Glaz, S.J. Edmé, C.J. Hu, D.G. Holder, I.A. del Blanco, S. Sood, and D. Zhao. 2011. Registration of 'CPCL 00-4111' sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations 5:325-331.
Gilbert, R.A., J.C. Comstock, B. Glaz*, I.A. del Blanco, S.J. Edmé, R.W. Davidson, N.C. Glynn, S. Sood, D. Zhao, J.D. Miller, and P.Y.P. Tai. 2011. Registration of ‘CP 03-1912’ Sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations 5:318-324.
Davidson, R.W., S.B. Milligan, B. Glaz, J. Comstock, C.J. Hu, N.C. Glynn, S.J. Edmé, D.G. Holder, R.A. Gilbert, S. Sood, I.A. del Blanco, and D. Zhao. 2011. Registration of ‘CPCL 99-4455’ Sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations 5:54-61.
del Blanco, I.A., B. Glaz, and S.J. Edmé. 2010. Improving efficiency of sugarcane genotype selection in Florida. Crop Sci. 50:1744-1753.
Zhao, D., B. Glaz, S. Edmé, and I.A. del Blanco. 2010. Precision of sugarcane biomass estimates in pot studies using fresh and dry weights. Journal American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 30:37-49.
Edmé, S.J., R.W. Davidson, R.A. Gilbert, J.C. Comstock, N.C. Glynn, B. Glaz, I.A. del Blanco, J. Miller, and P.Y.P. Tai. 2009. Registration of ‘CP 01-1372’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations 3:150-157.
Ullrich, S.E., H. Lee, J.A. Clancy, I.A. del Blanco, V.A. Jitkov, A. Kleinhofs, F. Han, D. Prada, I. Romagosa, and J.L. Molina-Cano. 2009. Genetic relationships between preharvest sprouting and dormancy in barley. Euphytica 168:331-345.
Ullrich, S.E., J.A. Clancy, I.A. del Blanco, H. Lee, V.A. Jitkov, F. Han, A. Kleinhofs, and K. Matsui. 2008. Genetic analysis of preharvest sprouting in a six-row barley cross. Molecular Breeding 21:249-259.